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L&D Project Pitch & ProD (Professional Development) Request Forms

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For CTC, this is about investing in learning for our people to become the best versions of themselves. We want our entrepreneurs to feel empowered and encouraged to invest in their growth and development.

This means YOU will request access to resources to pursue opportunities. It means YOU will help set the bigger L&D agenda by pitching projects that impact your colleagues. Let’s be real, CTC wants to send you wherever you want to go and build whatever you can dream of, but budgets and resources matter. That means all requests are subject to approval. The earlier you put in your request or pitch, and the more you think it through, the better the chance it will take flight!

L&D Project Pitch (new initiatives)

L&D Project Pitches are your opportunity to drive the learning agenda at CTC by bringing your ideas for updates, new courses, speakers, workshops, or resources. The form is designed to help us quickly evaluate, negotiate, and launch projects that fit. Have fun!

L&D Project Pitch Form

ProD (personal growth)

At its simplest, ProD is an opportunity for an individual or couple of individuals to attend a class, conference, speaker event, etc. in order to learn and grow. You’ll need to debrief L&D afterwards, and make help ensure lasting effects on you and CTC at large.

So, there are two parts to this:

1) What would you like to learn to benefit your position, team, or department?


2) How will you immediately put that learning to work to influence, educate, and invest in CTC at large? (By creating a comprehensive resource guide, facilitating a class or training, etc.)

Parameters for Approval


  • Must be submitted at least 30 days in advance
  • Must be approved by direct supervisor
  • Must be directly related to job responsibilities
  • Must provide documentation of learning/completion

Must Not

  • Reimbursement shall not exceed $1,000
  • Must not present any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict
  • Must not be more expensive than reasonable alternatives
  • Must not push us over the ProD budget for the quarter (this is somewhat first-come first-serve)

CTC U Give Back

Depending on the nature of your ProD request, we may split the expense between CTC U and ProD budgets. In these cases, we’ll ask you to give back through workshops or materials creation on your new experience. In some cases, this may allow us to fund ProD requests beyond the normal cap.

If you’ve got a qualifying request, fill out and submit this form to start the process.

ProD Request Form

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