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From Taylor Holiday

For over a decade, I’ve launched, led, and lived within multiple ecommerce businesses.

The last six months have been the most challenging we’ve ever faced.

First, pandemic-triggered claims touting “a decade of ecommerce growth in one quarter” fell short. Though substantial, many of ecommerce’s gains have receded in the wake of retail’s return. Where COVID once lifted DTC’s tide, a new wave of competitors has rushed to crowd the waters.

Second, a slew of supply-chain issues have impacted even the world’s finest retailers. The results? Low-tide GMV during 2021’s third quarter and the first industry-wide down year in Black Friday, Cyber Monday history.

Third, iOS 14.5 smashed into Facebook advertising, decreasing ROAS by 30% virtually overnight.

Antifragile Ecommerce: 7 Metrics, 21 Tactics & One Scorecard to Thrive Amid DTC Disruption

Here’s the full antifragile article on CTC’s own blog:

Podcast + Video

Tune in to hear Andrew Faris, Orchid Bertelsten, Taylor Holiday, and Aaron Orendorff talk antifragile tactics.





Do you or a client want to rate an existing business on its antifragility? Here’s what you need:

PDF Guide

Want that dope-ass article as a PDF? Look no further:


How about an interactive quiz to score your risk? We got you covered!

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