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4.9 | Public Image & Dress Code

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No suits or ties required when showing up for a day at the office at CTC. We’re a pretty casual bunch but draw the line it comes to anything that could be considered risqué in your work wardrobe. And while we totally embrace the idea of athleisure wear for everyday, if you’re meeting with a client, let’s leave the track suit at home.


Do you like social platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Clubhouse, Facebook, Instagram?


I mean, DUH. We’re on these platforms all day, every day.

We hired you because we believe in who you are and your ability to help entrepreneurs achieve their dreams. We are proud to be working alongside you and want you to rep us in the world, even on social accounts!

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Your public profile on these accounts is yours, not CTC’s we know that. We’re not trying to tell you how to live your life, though when you link your account to CTC, we want to be #cleariskind with everyone.
  • Your presence/public image on social platforms, especially when you have CTC directly linked to your account: you immediately become a representative of our company.
  • This means that you are representing our values and ethics and will be held to that standard. No sweat, we know your intentions are good, just keep them in check.

If you’re online and questioning if you should or shouldn’t engage in a particular way that could really be received as disrespectful or in breach of our values and ethics, we ask that you kept that thought off of media and reach out to the Differentiation Dept to talk it through more.

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