Locker Rooms | What Do You Need?

Lindy Johnson

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  1. Where are you from?Β Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – Currently living in Dana Point, CA
  2. What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?Β Walk to the beach, walk the harbor, or spend time connecting with my husband, family, and friends!
  3. Who is a dreamer that inspires you?Β This may be super cheesy, but my husband actually does this very well and inspires me regularly. He is often starting conversations with phrases like “What if we didn’t have to worry about…..” or “What if we could do XYZ for other people….” or “What if we made XYZ a priority in our lives….” and we are regularly processing dreams we have as individuals and as a couple whether that be something financial, emotional, relational, spiritual, etc!
  4. Why do you believe in helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams?Β I believe that people in general are worth believing in. Getting to specifically help entrepreneurs achieve their dreams feels extra exciting as a non entrepreneur myself because I view entrepreneurs as creative leaders – and I don’t think we can afford to let creative leaders stay stuck or not achieve their dreams!
  5. What is something people wouldn’t guess just by looking at you?Β I’m the 3rd born of 6 kids and I was homeschooled. I often get the response “but you turned out so normal” when I tell people I was homeschooled! πŸ˜‰
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