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Declaration #1 | Sarah Bogert

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If you’ve never met this dreamer in the flesh, you wouldn’t know she has secret red hair that’s masked by poor lighting in her home office.

A woman who’s never met a cat she didn’t like, she’s fueled by cooking (and eating) excellent food, exercise, and playing guitar.

After putting her dreams on the back burner, she’s ready to take the plunge with her first TMYD dream…








“I dream to become a wife who makes happy memories with her husband!”

Dream Achievement Forecast: September 2022


When my husband Ryan and I were engaged, we did premarital counseling with a couple who was not formally trained. The wife in this couple started having one-on-one phone calls with me, separate from the normal sessions. What started as her reaching out to provide โ€œmore supportโ€ turned into accusations that I was โ€œthe problemโ€ in our relationship. She accused me of being angry and controlling, and was projecting false realities about my relationship with Ryan. But since I was getting married and was vulnerable, I believed her. On our final call, she told me I should not marry Ryan. After we hung up, I thought, โ€œI canโ€™t remember ever being happy in my relationship.โ€
We ended the counseling. I pursued real therapy to recover from what happened and regain confidence. And we, of course, got married. Fast forward four years to life at home during the pandemic, and I began to experience a similar forgetfulness of happy times while being stuck at home. But through TMYD, I remembered my desire to travel and have adventures with Ryan โ€” something we had talked about doing before the pandemic but werenโ€™t able to do.
The dream exploration process reminded me of both the pain I experienced during premarital counseling alongside my desire to travel and make new memories with Ryan. Ultimately, I want to redeem my experience of forgotten happy memories by making new ones to remember.


1. Initiate a day-long retreat with Ryan where we can brainstorm and plan fun activities we want to do, including trips.

2. Create a plan for making memories in the day-to-day (i.e. dates, weekly/monthly activities to get us out of the house and doing something fun together).

3. Plan the itineraries for 3 trips (one in-state, one out of state, and one international). Conduct the research necessary to go on an international trip in light of COVID restrictions.

4. Create a way to document memories (i.e. photos, written experiences) such as a journal or scrapbook/photo album to fill up.
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