Locker Rooms | What Do You Need?

Declaration | Mitch Friesen

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Our next Dreamer is the staple that holds CTC together.

“Renowned as the 2nd funniest person at CTC, he is also known as the person you think of on the 6th of each month after realizing you forgot to submit your expense report.

This supple craftsman of numbers single-handedly doubled the size of the Finance Department as soon as he was hired and is well on his way to replacing Brian as the VP of Finance.

He also firmly agrees with 7-Michelin-star-chef Gordon Ramsay that pineapple never belongs on pizza.”

Please welcome to the mic second-time Dreamer & pizza conseouier….








“I dream to become a disciplined person, who has learned to prioritize my own holistic health so I can be at my best in all areas of life.”

Dream Achievement Forecast: March 2022

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