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Declaration | Everything Dream Day πŸ—£οΈ

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Read all about Dream Day below so that you arrive fully prepped for the moment when you πŸ—£οΈSEND πŸ—£οΈTHAT πŸ—£οΈDREAM!

🧐 What

Dream Day is the raddest, baddest party at CTC because it’s where we rally around our entrepreneurs and clients who have Dreams to share! You can expect lots of noise, chanting, cheering, confetti, bottles popping, and tons of white!

⏱️ When

Dream Day takes place on the first Monday of every month.

πŸ™‹πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ Who

All of our CTC team, plus client Dreamers who have come to declare. Declaring Dreamers often invite loved ones to share this special moment, as well! So spread the word (we’ve got plenty of chairs) πŸ˜‰

πŸ’­ Wear

Everyone dresses in white, except for declaring Dreamers who wear blue. πŸ’™

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