Locker Rooms | What Do You Need?

Declaration #1 | Rachael Decker

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Green smoothie evangelist.

Die-hard Taylor Swift fan.

Five times winner of Witch Weekly’s Most Charming Smile Award and proud corgi mom of one.

Please welcome up this first-time TMYD dream declaree..








“I dream to become a person who lives in the moment by going on a solo backpacking trip in Olympic National Park!”

Dream Achievement Forecast: September 2022


I’ve struggled with anxiety and perfectionism for as long as I can remember, which keeps me from living a full, happy life. My goal with this dream is to remove myself from the could-dos and should-dos of everyday life and totally immerse myself in nature, taking steps toward being the person I want to beβ€”someone who knows how to disconnect and truly live in the moment.


1. Take a wilderness survival class.
2. Research and buy the gear I’ll need.
3. Go on solo training hike #1.
4. Go on solo training hike #2.
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