Locker Rooms | What Do You Need?

Declaration #1 | Natasha Hall

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This next Dreamer is the genius and driving force behind ideas that help others grow in what they do.

While balancing motherhood and her brands, this Dreamer continues to be a walking vision and is fanatically focused on conquering the world.

As she evolves to the next level, she strives to plant seeds that her lineage will endlessly reap.

Welcome up to the Dream Day mic for the first time ever…








“I dream to prepare my networking apparel brand for investors & shareholders.”

Dream Achievement Forecast: May 2022


I’ve told a few people about my dream and they gave me the exact response that I had initially. “Why would I sell my million dollar idea?” “You’ve worked so hard and invested so much, why “give up” on it now?” This response, this feeling of disappointment makes this declaration the worse idea within my community. Selling my genius idea to give it the resources, wings and life that it needs to flourish is a crazy idea. My brand is beyond the apparel it’s a lifestyle and I’m ready to see it through to it’s next level. I’m ready to pioneer for my community that “your baby” has to mature one day and go out on it’s own. I have more ideas that I need to make happen, this process will help so many others.


1. Build a Team

2. Increase Monthly Revenue to $10k

3. Gain Market Authority

4. Create a Scalable Marketing Strategy
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