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Dane Sanders | 805-708-3890

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Dane Sanders’ portfolio of experience in leadership development is too lengthy to include in this bio, so we’ll give you the highlight reel: he’s written books, founded his own companies, travels to do speaking engagements, and has now found his way to CTC. Dane oversees all the Pursuit Group sessions, which “light a fire under our asses,” (according to our VP of Differentiation). He is relentless, persistent, and laser-focused on expedited Dream achievement.

Below, you can find out more about Dane!

Where are you from? I grew up in Nova Scotia, Canada… now Orange County is home base.

What is your favorite thing to do with some free time? Back Bay with my dog and audible in my ears.

Who is a dreamer that inspires you? Nico Chavez (from CTC’s Web Dev team) and his from-the-ground-up motorbike project is just fantastic. Making something from nothing… and then racing on it… may be the best metaphor for dreaming I’ve ever heard. And, he’s actually doing it.

Why do you believe in helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams? Achieving your actual dreams means becoming more of your actual self. Witnessing that in real time is one of the greatest experiences of my life.

What is something we wouldn’t guess just by looking at you? On good days, I can solve the Rubik’s cube in about 90 seconds.

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