Locker Rooms | What Do You Need?

Lindsay Murad | 714-262-3883

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Table of Contents
  1. Where are you from? 
      Costa Mesa, CA
  2. What is your favorite thing to do in your free time? 
    Hanging out with my family and friends; curling up with a good book; walks while having a great conversation; naps; generally just being outdoors – parks, beaches, yards, pools – they’re all good.
  3. Who is a dreamer who inspires you? 
    Julia Marcum from Chris Loves Julia.  She dreams up creative interior design and adds beauty to the world through homelife. 
  4. Why do you believe in helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams? 
    The theologian Frederick Buechner once said “Vocation is the place where our deep gladness meets the world’s deep needs.” In helping others explore, pursue, and achieve their dreams, I get to be a part of the process to make the world a better place through hearts coming alive and lives being changed.
  5. What is something people wouldn’t guess just by looking at you?
    One of my past jobs was making balloon hats and animals in restaurants.  Yes, I still know how to do it and no, I will not make you one.  ;p
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