Locker Rooms | What Do You Need?

Jess Guilfoyle | 949-842-1444

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Think you can pronounce Jess Guilfoyle’s last name? Go on, try it!


Just kidding, I don’t know how to pronounce it either. πŸ˜‰

Jess is an MFT which (in English) means that she helps couples and families be the very best they can be! She came to CTC through a connection with our original Dream Weaver, Tommy. Although working in a therapeutic setting is the majority of her background, Jess was pulled to the TMYD program because of the excitement of helping people THRIVE, rather than just survive. You can find out some more unique facts about her below!

Where are you from? Born and raised in Southern California and live in lovely Dana Point.Β 

What is your favorite thing to do with some free time? Spending time with my husband and 3 amazing and crazy children. We love the beach, walking in the harbor, and just goofing off and laughing together.Β 

Who is a dreamer that inspires you?Β TBD

Why do you believe in helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams? I believe in helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams because it makes the world a better place (I know it sounds cheesy) but also I love see people thrive and be happy. When dreams are achieved it is inspiring to others and makes my heart sparkle… It’s my passion.Β 

What is something we wouldn’t guess just by looking at you? I have 3 kids.Β 

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