Locker Rooms | What Do You Need?

Declaration #1 | Stephanie Johnson

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This dreamer will pay extra for guac every day, is known on the retention team for her spooky accurate dream interpretations and spends most of her time asking her puppyΒ what’s in his mouth.

From reading poetry and fairytales to writing fire emails, this dreamer can describe her personal aesthetic in five words: “If Paddington Wore Sequins, Bitch.”

Welcome up for her first TMYD dream declaration…








“I dream to heal my relationship to rest by changing my perception around it from an act of self-absorption into an act of self-love.”

Dream Achievement Forecast: August 2022


In the past eight years, I’ve attended and completed graduate school, moved to a new state where I knew no one, gotten married, redefined what marriage looks like to me, started and failed a business, survived an eating disorder, lived through a pandemic, endured professional abuse at a job I ultimately left, and then started three new jobs in under three years. At CTC, I am finally at a place in my life where I can begin healing. But in the beginning months here, I felt myself still running through constant adrenaline spikes and anxiety attacks, diving into deep depression, and, finally, facing some of the hardest months of my adult life. Before I can even start to heal, I need to move myself out of survival mode and into a place where sustainability, not exterior unrealistic standards of slaying every day, is the barometer I use for decision making.


1. Complete a thorough examination of my time, both intentional and passive, as well as stimuli in my day-to-day and its affect on my mental health

2. Create a secular sabbath, wherein my time is spent away from screens and digital stimulus and instead spent with friends and family, enjoying a meal together and genuinely connecting with others

3. Begin a creative ritual that I adhere to at least three times a week for the purposes of joy and play, not output and consumerism

4. Invest in both at least ten small monthly and one larger annual retreats where I spend time alone to rest and draw on what feeds me as a creative, as an empath, as a connector, and as a human.
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