Locker Rooms | What Do You Need?

Dream Declaration #1 | Deen Adelakun

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This Dreamer is an independent-minded thrill seeker always looking for the next experience who aspires every day to become the best version of himself mentally, physically, financially, and emotionally.

He is deeply interested in the cultures of the world and how those cultures and philosophies influence thinking, decision making, and self-identity, and he finds immense joy in connecting with people at a deep level because LOVE IS EVERYTHING.

Please welcome to the mic for his first TMYD declaration…








“I dream to become a world traveler by first backpacking through Brazil.”

Dream Achievement Forecast: October 2022


To re-connect to my adventurous side and take time to enjoy life over the mundane that comes from the work lifestyle.


1.) Re-learning Beginners Spanish
2.) Getting back to Intermediate level in Spanish & Hitting Weight Loss goal of 190 pounds
3.) Planning for the trip and getting all gear together
4.) Hopping off the plane after the trip!

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