Locker Rooms | What Do You Need?

Declaration | Emily Porter

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You may know this CTCer as the….connector + champion of people, fur friend fanatic, the crusher of obstacles, spreader of humor, wit or bedazzled joy, silencer of inner critics, vixen of lashes and leopard, soul sister of spunk, deliverer of sass and sparkle, rocker of resiliency, queen of curiosity, fear optimizer, curator of creativity or enthusiastic empath and encourager.

With spirited moxie + humble fierceness, she started her CTC journey on a mountain top with a group of people she just met but knew were already her work tribe. And the rest they say is her-story.

Always keeping it real, honorary creative and the original CEO of Girl, It’s Time, here she is to declare dream #2….








“I dream to become a Dream Doer by diving into a β€œYear of Yes” which includes just pressing play on dream firsts, letting go of limiting dream beliefs, and igniting joy! #changingmydreamermindset #morethanjustadreamer #justdoit”

Dream Achievement Forecast: April 2022
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