Locker Rooms | What Do You Need?

Declaration #1 | Alana Bierbaum

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You may have caught a glimpse of this Dreamer’s son (dog), Huckleberry, the light of her life on a Zoom call.

She’s worked in art, music, & fashion prior to marketing & the wonderful world of CTC, and claims she will happily rattle on about Harry Potter & Twin Peaks forever.

Here to declare her very first TMYD dream…








“I dream to become a person who uses art and writing as a tool to heal.”

Dream Achievement Forecast: August 2022


I’ve always aspired to share my art in varied forms. Words are my favorite artistic expression along with photography & sketching, which I’ll include in the book. It will serve as a therapeutic release of getting back to myself, and dealing with struggles with my depression & my partner’s addiction & ptsd.


1. Map out length, what all is needed, & a timeline to get it done.
2. Go through what I currently have that I’d like to include.
3. Take stock of vulnerable topics / thoughts I want to focus on.
4. Start writing.
5. Compile prose in a thematic structure.
6. Compose any needed illustrations & add photography.
7. Find a publisher / learn the pathways to self-publishing.
8. Edit.
9. Produce.

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