Locker Rooms | What Do You Need?

Declaration #2 | Justin Regis

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This caffeine-fueled dreamer is known for his love of swag, free lunches and Pulse vexations.

Fresh from leveling up from his first dream achievement, he is preparing to conquer new frontiers in personal development..

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present your Dragonslayer…








“I dream to speak Spanish at a B1 – Level competency.”

Dream Achievement Forecast: June 2022


For the past 17 years, I have been married to my wife who is from Mexico City and speaks 4 languages. It’s often been a bit frustrating for us both to not be able to speak in her native language (Spanish). I have the vocabulary, but need the “speaking” part.


I will measure my abilities through online testing (Pimsler, CEFR level testing), and I will achieve my dream by achieving a B2 CEFR language rating and (more importantly) record an actual conversation with my wife or other native speaker.
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