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Declaration #1 | Clancy Orantes

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Best known for her signature beachy waves and her incredibly loud snoring dog, this Dreamer also enjoys hanging out with family, reading, and playing video games with her creative strategist.

Despite what most may believe, she is actually very introverted and enjoys a nice night home alone with a good book and cold kombucha.

Please welcome to the mic for her first TMYD Dream declaration…








“I dream to discover more about my authentic unfiltered personality by discovering at least one personal hobby that brings me joy.”

Dream Achievement Forecast: July 2022


I have worked very hard over the last decade to create a personality that can fit in and helps support me avoid scary vulnerability. However, this has prevented me from making real friends and keeping it up is exhausting and lonely.
Because I don’t really know myself authentically I have never given myself the space or courage to find a hobby, something that I like to do that is not just going along with someone else.
Due to me having no hobbies I do not have anything outside of work and my husband that brings me joy which has been exacerbated by working at ctc – I need something other than work to relieve my stress and refuel me


1. I will try 2 new things each month (no more than 1 of those things can be fitness related)

2. I will invite someone to join me in that new experience at least 1x every 2 months

3. My first milestone will be accomplishing my goals for 3 months consistently

4. My second milestone will be when I choose one thing to try more than 2x per month (something that sparks joy)

5. I will have accomplished my dream when I have chosen one hobby that brings me joy measured by me partaking in that hobby 2-3x per month (depending on the hobby) for 4 months consistently

6. Bonus points if I am able to bring a friend to join me in that hobby consistently
8,000 extra points if I make a new friend from that hobby
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