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Achievement #2 | Garrett Hord

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Holistically Healthy Individual

Garrett’s Second Dream Achievement Pin!

What did you learn about the process of pursuing a dream?

I learned more about myself and the human that I am and want to become in the last ~8 months than I have during any other period of my life. So much of that is thanks to TMYD, Tommy, & other folks at CTC who constantly challenge me, affirm me, and most importantly give me space and time for me to figure out who and what I want to be. In the last ~8 months I’ve learned that avoiding Grief is one of the worst things you can ever do to yourself, that truly accepting all forms of loss is really difficult but is part of life, and that you’re only as strong as the people you have in your corner. Use them when you need them, be there when they need you, tell them you love them, and listen to them when they tell you they love you. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

What advice would you offer to dreamers pursuing a similar dream to you?

Wow…what would I have wanted to know before pursuing this dream? Hmm. I think it depends on your unique scenario, but so much of what I experienced during this pursuit was really difficult & uncomfortable, but that’s what lead to me experiencing the growth that I experienced. Not much progress can be made in your comfort zone, I guess. I consistently put myself into situations that required a level of vulnerability that is really difficult for me, but you just have to do it – it’s the only way to live imo. And to be clear, I’ve still got a lot to learn and room for growth, but you have to start somewhere.
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