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UGC Best Practices

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[WIP, more visuals to come]


User Generated Content (UGC) is often synonymous with testimonial but we at CTC categorize it as so much more. UGC is an opportunity for a brand to transfer its voice to the consumer and deliver a more authentic experience.

It’s characterized by self-shot footage on a phone: compelling POV shots and selfies, varied lifestyle locations, and direct-to-camera testimonial.


UGC Ad Examples by concept – Internal & External

Casting best practices

Prioritize engaging and unique talent in look and voice. They should be authentic in their sentiments and capable of filming creatively.

Producing best practices

Structuring a brief to cover talking points for a full testimonial is key—hitting strategic points in all Testimonial Sections while weaving a compelling, problem-solving narrative.

Storyboarding a variety of b-roll is also necessary. As a testimonial is just one type of UGC ad, you must always have enough dynamic b-roll to produce multiple concepts. This b-roll should contain product beauty shots, product interaction, lifestyle, and problem “before” footage.

Editing best practices

Pace and a consistent eyeline is essential in editing a UGC ad. The pace should be literally breathless in that an editor should work to cut out all audio gaps and have dialog string together as tight as possible.

When connecting shots and copy, watch for a consistent eyeline by using motion in the shot, index vectors, and manufactured movement/animation.

Subtitles should be legible but not intrusive.


The Ultimate UGC Workflow + Links!

UGC Recipe Book

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