Locker Rooms | What Do You Need?

Expert Buyer KPIs ✅

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As an Expert Buyer, you are accountable to 3 KPI’s every month.

Client Retention

You are held accountable for maintaining 75% of your clients each month.

For example: if you have 4 clients, you are expected to retain 3 each month.

Account Structure

Each month, your manager will check your accounts to ensure you are following CTC’s best practices.

This is the rubric for how we evaluate your account structure. If you have any questions, please let your manager know.

ADmission KPI

In ADmission Circle, you are required to sign up for times to answer questions each month.

  • Each comment counts as an engagement.
  • Always thread your responses to keep them organized
  • Note: DM’s with admission members do NOT count toward your KPI, so keep your conversations in the public channels!
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