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Transfer Ad Account Ownership between Business Managers

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Transferring ownership of ad accounts is still not possible. In this situation, we recommend that the owning business grant the new business with partner access to the ad account, and revoke ad account access for any team members that should no longer have it.

Alternatively, you can create a new ad account and follow these steps to replicate the old account setup:

1.       New Ad Account: Client would create a new Ad Account within their own Business Manager. From there, CTC can share the following assets/data with that ad account.

2.       Pixels: You cannot transfer pixels between Ad Accounts, but they can be shared through Business Manager. (Select “Pixels” in the left-hand column in Business Manager and click “Assign Ad Accounts” to make the pixel accessible to multiple ad accounts.) If you want to move forward with implementing a new pixel for each site, I recommend leaving the old one in place until the new one has accumulated about a week/two week’s worth of information.

3.       Audiences: You can bulk share Custom and Lookalike Audiences between ad accounts and/or media agencies as long as both the sharer and recipient are tied to a Business Manager. Note that any changes made to the audiences will be live, so all changes will affect the audiences in both BMs. Follow the steps here to share audiences:

4.       Images: The best method for transferring campaign structures and assets is to export and bulk import the ads.

5.       Ads: You can bulk move Ads using the process here: This will only transfer set-up of current Ads but will not move performance over. You will need to have admin to the previous Ad Account. Otherwise you can export recent campaign results as an Excel doc and maintain for benchmarking purposes until enough data in the new account is available.

6.       Product Catalog Go to Business Manager business settings –> under people and assets click on product catalog –> select the product catalog you wish to share and assign partner

7.       Deactivate the old ad account once everything is transferred: This will help prevent any accidental (or new) spend, but you will still have access to the old data.

You can grant users within the MORI BM analyst access to the Ad Account to look at historical performance.

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