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Address A Performance Dip In A Client Account

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Description: If your client’s account is experiencing a dip in performance, here is an outline of how to handle it.

Day 1

  1. Address what you think the problem is in the account with the client
  2. Outline an action plan of what you will change on day 3 if the account doesn’t turn around. Use data to form your hypothesis for this step.
  3. Express hesitancy to make changes based on one day of data but that you are closely monitoring the situation and prepared to make changes if the account doesn’t turn around.

Day 2 

  1. Explain to the client what you are doing today proactively to address the problem if the performance continues to slump. You can explain that you are building out new campaigns, ads, etc.
  2. Explain that you are starting to build out the action plan from day 1. You can also explain any shifts in the action plan based on data you are seeing from day 2.

Day 3 (morning) 

  1. If it’s still down in the morning by the third day, start launching the tests in the action plan and communicate that with your client.
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