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[Meta] About Cost Per Result Goal

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[Note: If you choose the cost per result goal or ROAS goal bid strategy and plan to deliver ads to iOS 14 users, your ad set should be scheduled to run for at least 3 full days.]

Cost per result goal is one of Facebook’s bid strategy options, meaning it tells us how to bid in the ad auction. The goal amount you provide is an average amount we try to deliver against over the campaign lifetime, while dynamically bidding as high as needed to maximize results. This means that the average cost per result may exceed the set amount.

For example, a retailer optimizing for purchases may set their cost amount to a cost per purchase that will, on average, keep them profitable.

Best if you:

  • Want to keep your cost per action (CPA) around an average amount regardless of market conditions.

Keep in mind:

  • Spend may be slower with cost per result goal than when using the highest volume bid strategy. If you don’t have strict CPA goals and care more about spending your full budget, highest volume may be a good option.
  • The learning phase may take longer with cost per result goal than other bid strategies.
  • During the learning phase, expect more cost fluctuations.
  • Once an ad set has exited the learning phase, delivery should stabilize and we will aim to optimize your campaign according to the cost per result goal you specify, but it is not guaranteed. You may see costs exceed the goal you set.
  • If you typically observe conversions over a much longer window than 7 days post-click, you may observe stronger fluctuation in spend and CPA. However, performance should stabilize over time.
  • Not all optimization goals are available for cost per result goal. Learn more about best practices for using cost per result goal.

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