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Season A Facebook Pixel

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From the Facebook Blueprint training manual:

Season a new Facebook Pixel:

  1. If there were less than 500 pixel events on your website in the last week, build up your online customer base before using Conversion optimization.
  2. If there are more than 500 but less than 10,000 pixel events on the website in the last week, you should start in testing your conversion optimization.
  3. If there are more than 10k pixel events on your website in the last week, you’re in a good position to make conversion optimization work.

At any rate, once your pixel is active, you will need at least 50 conversions (best to have 100) per week to exit the “learning phase” and achieve optimal delivery.

Facebook recommends optimizing toward the pixel event that occurs at least 100 times a month before running ads. If the website isn’t getting, say 100 View Content events without running ads, it’s unlikely there will be enough converters on your ads to be successful.

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