4.18 Collaborate With Kindness | Platforms Policy


Consider these etiquette tips in Common Thread Collective’s Slack (& other platforms).

Slack works best when everyone in a company uses it to have transparent, informative discussions in channels, which are organized around projects, teams and disciplines. It’s a place to collaborate, help one another, give/get feedback and learn from each other.

Outside of the work specific conversations, CTC’s Slack community is one that embraces Inclusion Diversity Equity and Access (I.D.E.A). There is even a whole Slack channel dedicated to our Embrace IDEA core value. Noting that inclusiveness doesn’t mean limiting respectful consideration to only those who already agree with you. 

That said, we realize that we live in a world where sharing views on politics, race, religion, and identity can be sensitive. CTC has publicly declared ourselves as ally’s to the BIPOC and LGBTQIA2+ communities. More on what our commitments to these groups can be found here

While we as an organization can’t take a stance on every event that impacts every employee personally, all are invited to spread awareness but not force any singular belief system. In protecting our work space, we actually encourage everyone to share information around these seemingly sensitive topics as a source of education. 

We believe education is a key to highlighting humanity as a throughline, bringing more people together. 

What we won’t tolerate is hate or the promotion of hate against anyone or any group. Informative posts across topics are welcomed as a method to enlighten, but not to dim. To carry this further, given the ever growing diversity of CTC’s demographics, we extend these principles to our profile photos in Slack (and other CTC platforms).

Meaning, we ask everyone to use a photo of themselves as their profile photo on the platform. More specifically, we are asking all to refrain from using their profile picture in Slack to make a political, religious, or likewise statement. 


Although CTC permits a wide range of humor, please be respectful and courteous to other members. Communities mirror the societies in which they exist and positive action is essential to counteract the many forms of inequality and abuses of power that exist in society.

If you see someone who is making an extra effort to ensure our community is welcoming, friendly, and encourages all participants to contribute to the fullest extent, please recognize their efforts in the #CTC_Chips_N_Values channel. This is a true reflection of our 5 core values and the embodiment of the honorary Spirit of CTC.

As with any large group of people, disagreements will happen. We understand that you’ll have some strong opinions, but we still expect courtesy during a debate and expect you to refrain from personal attacks.


All entrepreneurs of CTC are required to read and adhere to a few specific handbook policies in addition to this one that are outlined in the following:

Failure to adhere to these guidelines can result in your messages being removed. Repeated violations can result in disciplinary action up to and including separation from CTC.

Unacceptable behavior from any entrepreneur, including leadership and those with decision-making authority, will not be tolerated. 

Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately and stay in good standing with this policy. 


If you are subject to or witness behaviors that violate the above, or have any other concerns, please notify us as soon as possible. You can fill out the Have a Concern form found in Common Knowledge anonymously or can connect with People + Talent from the Differentiation Department directly.