Q1 2021 Pulse Results



Though we ended the quarter just slightly lower that how we started the year,

While we didn’t have any scores to “take note” of, our open-ended responses did create a few direct calls to action. As a result here are some changes implemented:

-IDEA | We are giving more regular updates to our IDEA initiatives. Hiring managers are being updated weekly on our diversity status during weekly hiring syncs. We have started quarterly Town Halls with updates company-wide.

-Career Pathing | Our Director of L&D has updated the company with timelines of when Diff will formally be partnering with each department on career pathing. That said, if anyone wants to expedite the career pathing conversations, see below for updates to Forward Progress.

-Forward Progress | We have updated Forward Progress to more specifically reflect on career pathing with direct supervisors on a monthly basis. We’ve also refined questions to address KPI progress.

Our highest highs are consistent with past high scores. We will continue to lean into these to maintain the positive momentum and try to get more categories to join them.

Monthly January

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Monthly February